Wolf Podcasts
A wolf looks above the willows/East Fork Family Group/West Polychrome/Denali National Park/Interior Alaska/Summer 1994/Film
Listings, links and descriptions of podcasts on the topic of Denali's wolves and elsewhere.
May 8, 2024 - The Wolf Connection Podcast - with Bill Watkins - Denali Wolves
This is the third podcast within two months that discusses Denali's Wolves. The first two are with Nicole Schmitt of the Alaska Wildlife Alliance and Ramey Newell who was the filmmaker for the new documentary - A Good Wolf. Both episodes are available, just scroll down to find them.
This interview with myself delves deeply into the Denali wolf controversy as well as the recent Alaska Board of Game's 0-7 decision in rejecting NPS Proposal 186 which would have protected Denali's wolves in the adjacent state lands called: The Wolf Townships. This 0-7 vote took place in spite of testimony relaying the importance of wolves to literally the hundreds of thousands of visitors who visit Denali each year.
3-15-2024 - My Alaska Board of Game Testimony on NPS Proposal 186
To say that the Alaska Board of Game and the hunting and trapping community has contempt for the Tourism Industry and tourists is an understatement.
I further discuss Alaska wildlife mis-management using last year's Mulchatna Massacre as a prime example where the state killed 94 grizzly bears (including cubs), 5 black bears and 5 wolves via shooting them from a helicopter. This massacre was planned to be begin again this month and continue for the next several years.
Also discussed are Alaska's trapping laws which essentially allows a "Free for All" in trapping that cruelly impacts wolves, other wildlife and pet dogs.
There is a duality whenever wolves are discussed: there is the uplifting side of seeing living wolves that can inspire, bring about a sense of wonder and motivation and then.............there is the harsh reality of those who hate, persecute and kill wolves due to bigotry, culture, lack of understanding and acceptance and intolerance.
This is a discussion on the harsh realities that Denali's wolves, and actually all predators face in dealing with Alaska state mismanagement of wildlife. So, if you want a lighter discussion on wolves and Alaska state wildlife management, you may wish to skip this podcast. Otherwise, grab your coffee or beer and........Let's Talk Wolves.
May 2, 2024 - The Wolf Connection Podcast - Ramey Newell - Documentary - A Good Wolf
This interview discusses Ramey's new film, A Good Wolf. This film is a feature-length documentary that explores diverging viewpoints on what 'A Good Wolf' means to different individuals. Those views are explored within the context of this lengthy, emotionally charged, and continuing battle over how wolves (and bears) are managed at the northeast boundary of Denali National Park.
This interview with myself discusses a number of topics of being a tour guide in Denali as well as the park wolf situation.
Nicole spoke at length about Alaska Wildlife Alliance's mission, the issues surrounding hunting and trapping of wolves near Denali National Park, and the consequences on the ecosystem of not finding a long term solution for this piece of land designated as the Stampede Corridor.
March 14, 2024 - The Wolf Connection Podcast - John E. Marriott - Trapped in the Past
John spoke at length about the 3-part documentary series, 'Trapped In The Past' that discuss the history, economics, and flawed information used to promote trapping as ethical wildlife management.
All 3 parts of the documentary are now available to view on the EXPOSED Youtube Channel
Kira Cassidy has been a Biologist and Research Associate for Yellowstone Forever for over a decade. Kira, along with 13 others, co-authored the paper Human Caused Mortality Triggers Wolf Pack Instabilitycovering 5 National Parks across the U.S.
This research talks about the extent of human caused mortality on wolf packs, pack persistence and reproduction. Kira discussed the process of putting this paper together and the findings that were discovered.
Study - Human- caused mortality triggers pack instability in gray wolves
Kaija Klauder is the Lead Technician for the Denali National Park and Preserve Wolf and Caribou Research Projects. She presented her research related to Scavenging Patterns and Habitat Selections of Carnivores in the Subarctic at the International Wolf Symposium in October 2022.
Kaija discussed her passion for working with carnivores since a young age, the research she presented at the symposium, and the social, political, and climatic issues surrounding wolves and other carnivores in Denali.
October 21, 2022 - The Wolf Connection - International Wolf Symposium - Bridget Borg
Bridget Borg is a Wildlife Biologist in Denali National Park where she has been studying wolves for over a decade. She is also the Principal Investigator for Denali National Park's wolf and caribou research programs.
We talked about her plenary session that discussed the history of Denali National Park wolf studies, the impact the symposium has on research and collaboration, and what she was looking to take away from her time in Minnesota.
September 22, 2022 - The Wolf Connection Podcast - Bridget Borg - Denali National Park
Bridget Borg is a Wildlife Biologist in Denali National Park where she has been studying wolves for over a decade. She is also the Principal Investigator for Denali National Park's wolf and caribou research programs.
Bridget spoke about her research on wolves in Denali, the environmental differences for wolves in Alaska and some of the topics she will be speaking about at the International Wolf Symposium in Minnesota next month.
September 9, 2018 - Wild & Exposed Podcasts - Moose Biologist Dr. Vic Van Ballenberghe
While this podcast is primarily on Vic's background and moose research, Vic had previously studied wolves in North East Minnesota which you can hear at the 6:39 point.
From the episode description: Join Mark and Michael as they sit down with Dr. Vic Van Ballenberghe to hear about the fascinating career of Alaska’s longest standing Moose Researcher. The details of his studies, field observations, and encounters that span more than 3 decades in wild Alaska are sure to both thrill and educate listeners.
Both Vic and Gordon were field biologists in its purest form and spent countless hours studying their subjects. I had a tremendous amount of admiration for both of them and feel fortunate to have known, talked with and learned from them.
Wild Side News Podcast - Interview with Dr. Gordon Haber on Denali's Wolves
This is an older 2007 podcast where Dr. Gordon Haber is being interviewed. No one knew Denali's wolves better than Gordon and no one was more passionate in protecting them. He literally lived for wolves and his 43 years of research is a testament to his dedication and passion.
The Toklat wolves that Gordon is discussing was also known as East Fork. These wolves were originally studied by Dr. Adolf Murie in his landmark wolf study from 1939-41. From a generational standpoint, this was the longest lived, studied and viewed family group of wolves in Denali prior to 2005.
This group was finally lost in 2016, when the radio collared breeding male was killed at a bear bait station in the adjacent state lands called: The Wolf Townships. The breeding female was not radio collared at that time and she dispersed into the Alaska wilderness bringing an end to Denali's most significant family group of wolves.